Typically I go somewhere and am inspired to write a poem or something, but one day sitting at the beach, as the sun was setting, I started sketching the seasgulls, then word playing their name, and then randomly wordsmithing about a dragonfly. Enjoy how my mind sometimes wanders... and I know, pictoral art is not my forte lol

The Beach Bum of Birds:
Soaring through the sky
Elegant in stature upon the sand
Always alert for an opportunity
Gazing at passersby
Unable to resist a risk
Looking for leftovers
Lovely blend of feather coloring
Sounds the ocean cannot live without
The Dragonfly
From the fire the fly rose with power
Not quite butterfly, not quite caterpillar
But a swift and delicate blend with a pinch of sass
Rapid fluttering creates a cartoon-fast motion of wind flapping
Is the buzz from the wings
Or is it from that inner satisfaction of flight
The freedom to dip and soar
To intimidate
To explore
To mind its own business
Searching for colorful flowers
And dares to not follow a predicted path
Free to journey as it pleases
Biting as it needs
A volcanic gift in the insect world