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July Independence: Rise From Abuse


The theme of the month for July is a heavy one—but an important one: Rise from Abuse. The recent Depp/He

ard trial, no matter what side anyone was on, plus multiple murders and missing persons related to abuse over the last few years, have brought the matter of abuse to the forefront.

We can no longer pretend like it isn’t a horrific plague lingering within the privacy of what are supposed to be safe homes.

Abuse comes in all forms, from physical and sexual to emotional and social. Stories are powerful ways to create awareness of not only the prevalence of abuse in our society, but also provide empowering ways to survive, heal, and thrive. Not an easy subject to write, read, or experience, but one that I tackle this month through my book reviews.

I’ll also be sharing excerpts of my own work, Beat Me With Your Words, that tackles the darkness of emotional abuse. It’s a gripping fictional tale of narcissism and gaslighting...and a woman’s journey to fight back. I invite you to check it out or share with someone you know who could use some courage to walk away from their own situation.

This month, I’ll be asking my social media followers some questions about stories that have awakened them, moved them, and possibly healed them. Feel free to comment with your own thoughts and insights below!

1. If you ever read a book that contained abuse, how did it impact you?

The one that stands out powerfully for me is “It Ends With Us” by Colleen Hoover. It was about a physically abusive relationship, but what was painfully captivating was the reality that abuse really doesn’t show its true colors until the façade of love fades and the demons are comfortable to come out. Perfectly written narrative of how it all unfolds and the struggle to first realize it, then wonder what to do, then finally break free.

2. Have there been any “darker” books you have read that surprised you into awareness?

For me, it was “My Dark Vanessa” by Kate Elizabeth Russell. A young girl is sexually exploited and manipulated by her teacher, and yet, she takes on the blame for liking being sexual with him as if it were her fault that he wanted to be with an underage girl. It was eye-opening to see how easily a person of authority can take advantage of a misguided teen and fuck up their underdeveloped psyche. It tore at my heart.

3. We all have experienced trauma in some way – have you ever thought about sharing your own story?

I’m an open book, and one of the most challenging things I have ever done in my life is to become vocal about my narcissistic and emotional abusive situations. I’m no braver than the next person who chooses to keep their pain private—we are ALL brave. I choose to share because if I can help one person relate—or better yet, get OUT and save their lives—then sharing my stories is worth reliving them for me.

What would your responses be? I’m also always looking for guest (anonymous) bloggers to share their stories to relate to and/or inspire others on my abuse awareness site. (Please reach out to me. Your privacy will always be protected).

What story about abuse have you read that perhaps moved you to action, healing, or awareness? Time to take our power back.

If you’d like to check out my own novel, Beat Me With Your Words, you can find it here or on any major distribution channel.

Emily Davidson had it all. Born with natural brains, beauty, and creative passion, she was destined for a fulfilling life of love and success…until the ultra-charming Blake Denton stole her heart and engulfed her very core.

Being swept off her feet was not part of Emily’s ten-year plan, but the handsome photographer with the exciting lifestyle promised her more than the textbook path that was carved out for her since birth; love with Blake offered romance, intrigue, and endless adventure.

But that love came at the cruel cost of truth, trust, and self-respect.

Years of countless forgiven betrayals and harsh words whittled away at her life, leaving her unrecognizable to family, to friends, and to herself. It will take all the strength she has to wake up and walk away—but can strength be found in the pieces of a shattered soul?

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