Everyone knows how to take action and get things done--but has anyone shared with you the secrets of procrastination? It is an art form that many have mastered. Here, I share some tips for the overachievers out there who could use a break:
Create a To-Do List. Ideally, you should do this the night before, when you have every intention of having a productive day “tomorrow.” Make sure to be ambitious: the more you can cram into a day, the more you will succeed!
Stay Up Late. Is one of your favorite shows on, or your DVR backlogged? If you are going to be working hard tomorrow, make sure you stay up late “relaxing” to reward yourself in advance for all your hard work to be.
Hit the Snooze. You just stayed up late—why on Earth would you get up early? Wouldn’t it be better to sleep in a bit and get that rest so you are energized for your big day?
Check Social Media. Before you get into your super productive work day, it’s best that you take care of all that time-wasting nonsense from the beginning. Check-in with all your social media apps and email accounts, making sure to respond and add any extra “to-dos” to your list.
Eat a Big Lunch. Whoa—that all took longer than expected. Let me grab some lunch first so that hunger doesn’t distract me. Then I will be set to go!
Check Your List. Now that your day is half over, you need to get realistic. You can’t complete everything on the list today. Let’s get some little things done that are on “List B” that are super simple (like 5-10 minutes to do) and get some of those done before sitting down for the more important ones.
Check Social Media Again. Just clear out the notifications so you can start with a clean slate.
Get Down to Work. Hmmm, not sure how I can get this all done now. I only have an hour before I get the kids from school/activities, and if I start now, then the interruption will just throw me off. I should really wait until tomorrow when I can dedicate a huge block of time to this. I’ll just grab a snack and see if there are any other super simple tasks I can just cross off.
Rinse and Repeat. Looks like the day is just about over—revisit your list and add new tasks that popped up today, and get yourself all ready for a brand new day tomorrow! You can do it! Maybe.
Happy dawdling!
