Book sequels. Sometimes we love them, sometimes…not so much. I’ll also go out on a limb to talk about movie sequels, because sometimes, I skip the books and go right to the movie (I know, not a very good bookworm, am I?).
I recently read a really great book—The Inheritance Games by Jennifer Lynn Barnes—and I had to immediately order the sequel so I could read the continued story. It inspired me to feature my next month’s worth of book review blogs around sequels of stories I’ve read over the past year, and to create a theme around my reviews.
So, let’s talk about sequels. Yay, nay or meh?
For me, it depends on the series. I kinda am a sucker for continued storytelling, especially if I enjoy the first book so much that I want to keep reading more. And I am quite fond of those series-turned-movie-franchises like Harry Potter, Lord of the Rings, Divergent, The Hunger Games, and so on. Not every conversion was a powerful representation of the book (ahem, Twilight), but I do get so invested in the characters that I watch them anyway.
This month, I’ll be asking my social media followers some questions about sequels as part of my monthly theme. Feel free to comment with your own thoughts and insights below!
1. Tell me about a sequel you actually liked better than the original story. Okay, I’m going to be cheating right now and use a movie because right now I am blanking on a book series and this keeps popping into my head. Karate Kid II. It probably is because it is the most romantic one—no joke. It’s why I like Return of the Jedi and The Last Skywalker the best out of the Star Wars movies. I can’t help it. I love kisses 😉
2. What sequel in a series could you have done without? Order of the Phoenix from the Harry Potter Series. Meh. I barely remember anything profound from it that really impressed me or moved the story along too much. I liked the other books much better.
3. What sequel are you wishing for someone to write so you can get some answers? I read this book last year, The Invisible Life of Addie LaRue by V.E. Schwab, and I was left hanging with so many loose ends!!! It was such a fantastic book but I needed at least one more chapter of answers…but the author is claiming it is a stand-alone book and won’t be making its sequel :(
4. What’s your least favorite series that you found yourself still reading just to complete it? Ugh. Fifty Shades of Grey. I was so personally disappointed that it didn’t live up to the hype for me. I think I read it in hopes that it would get better. But alas, it did not.
Well folks, that’s the down low for me and my take on sequels. I’d love to hear your responses! And if you have any sequels or series that you think I must read, send them along! I always love a good recommendation.
Speaking of book sequels and series…did you know that I create combined collections of my Lost Heritage Trilogy romance books and Cosmic Kids Club astrology series for kids? Available now on my website and Amazon. Come check them out!

The Lost Heritage Trilogy empowered women’s romance and mystery:
Cosmic Kids Collection astrology for kids: