Unmasked, by Katy Huff
I ordered this book thinking it was this deeply inspirational read about abandoning our masks and embracing who we are –and while it did have that underlying message of personal power, surrender and living authentically, disappointingly, it was the religious overtones were rather heavy-handed for my personal taste.
I’m a believer in God’s plan (or whatever “name” or belief one might give to a creator image), and resonated with the ideas of having faith, of miracles being possible, of many of the empowerment subjects as influenced by this power; however, it was so wrought with scripture quotes and repetitive preaching that it almost lost me.
But, there were some really fabulous nuggets when I was able to dig in and remove the layers of embedded doctrine.
“Setback is a setup for a comeback. Every bad break, every disappointment and every person who does you wrong is a part of the plan to get you to where you are supposed to be.”
“Fear and faith cannot co-exist.”
“We let go of the situation and we trust that we will get through the process, even though it may hurt or in the fire there will be heat. However, when we get to the other side, there are breakthroughs, purification, healing, strength and courage to stand in freedom without a mask.”
Those were pretty powerful statements that reached my core.
Thankfully, it was a short 100-page read and I was able to glean some wisdom from it that inspired me to be more vulnerable. That alone was worth the quick read.
Personally, it was a little too much religion for me, but for those of stronger scripture faith, you would get a lot out of it.
To learn more about this week’s author and her book, you can find her here: https://www.katy-huff.com/book