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Book of the Week: Frog and Toad Are Doing Their Best


Frog and Toad Are Doing Their Best, by Jennie Egerdie

An adult parody version of the Frog and Toad children’s series, it was a cute little read of anecdotes that were relatable to our everyday lives. In a stressful world, it’s always fun to have something to read where you go, “Hey, I’m not alone in feeling that way…or in being an idiot.” Haha.

I particularly loved the technology section, as I’ve fumbled with routers and stayed way too long at my computer without a break myself.

I found myself sitting exactly in Frog and Toad’s position, where I spend hours at my desk, constantly telling myself to get up and take a break…where “in a minute” turns into an hour, which turns into the whole day, and then the sun is no longer shining. It was examples like this that really made me laugh out loud at time.

Although I thought it was funnier in the beginning technology section, there were a few cute quips throughout pertaining to holidays, having debt, and practicing self-care. I was a little disappointed that there was not some more sarcasm or humor…or maybe it just wasn’t my kind of dry humor.

I had hoped for a few more chuckles, but overall it was sweet and playful.

A quick read that I literally went through in one night. Good for stress release and laughter after a long day.

To learn more about this week’s author and her book, you can find her here:

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