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Book of the Week: A Midnight Dance


A Midnight Dance by Lila DiPasqua

I just found myself a new romance author to fall in love with! A Midnight Dance was a Cinderella variation like none other—and trust me, I’ve read and watched plenty of them, all with the same monotonous plot. But not this one!

This was full of steam, passion, and unexpected mystery and danger.

Thankfully while reading this, I was sitting poolside on a cruise ship and able to cool myself down from the heat of the story! It certainly was my kind of juicy storytelling—the kind that leaves you breathless. But it was so much more than just the sex—the story had multiple levels that captured your attention and kept you fascinated as the plot thickened.

The romance itself was tainted from the start, but wasn’t predictably boring to watch unfold in the least. I loved the interactions of the other characters, and the twist on the step-family relationships that made you almost forget that this was actually a Cinderella story. I really liked the refreshing interpretation rather than the same old “evil” family the traditional maiden was forced into.

I also enjoyed the fast-paced intrigue and the fact that our heroine was no damsel in distress—she had the perfect edge mixed with innocence that was captivating.

I loved this book from beginning to end. This author has a whole series of other fairy tale interpretations that I am most definitely adding to my reading list!

To learn more about the author and her book:

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